Sunday, August 31, 2008

Flower Hunt

Something fun that I would like to share Hailey and her friend Trevor did on Friday 8/29/08 with Mike and I . I had this idea to go on a flower hunt since we live right by Jordan River Walkway. We gave the kids each a bag and let them pick flowers to make a collage later. Mike and I did the cutting and away we went.

They collected mostly dandelions and sunflowers but they had a great time. It was so fun when they would find a flower one would yell to the other "I found a flower" and the other would run over to see what kind it was. Hailey mostly picked any and all yellow flowers she seen. Her friend Trevor mostly wanted purple ones since the collage was going to a be for his grandma. While on the walk we seen waterfalls and the kids thought that was awesome. A few bees scared Hailey and I. Mike would just laugh at us.

But after 1 1/2 hours walking the kids got tired so we headed back home. They didn't want to hold their bags anymore so Mike attached them to sticks. They looked so cute walking the trail like a couple of hobos. So I snapped this pic really quick. I love it so much I emailed it to his mom and she loves it too. We went home and glued all the flowers to some cardboard and voila! Flower Hunt collage.

Here's a picture of Hailey's Flower Collage.

The Begining

Well today I decided to set this page up since Mike and I have alot of family over the world. Mostly he has the big family. I figured it would be a nice way for them all to keep in touch with us and see how we are doing.

Here is what has been happening lately. I just started my 7th month of being pregnant with our little girl. We decided on the name of Lily. She is due around Thanksgiving. We are both very excited for that. Mason and Hailey  are very excited with her coming. Mostly because Mason has associated that when Lily comes then Christmas is right around the corner so therefore PRESENTS!! Kids- got to love them.

Mike is working full time at a warehouse. He likes it alot. He had 2 jobs there for a while but now just the one. I think that's enough. I stay home with the kids. I did go to school but I'm taking some time off to have our baby.

Mason just started 1st grade. He likes it alot. Mostly the recess part but he comes home everyday and tells us something new about a new friend or his teacher or a book they read in class. I'm happy he enjoys school so much.

Hailey is doing great. Her friend comes over everyday so she has a someone to play with. They have colored, painted, gone on a Flower Hunt, played with bubbles, etc. Everything 2-3 year old's do. Mike and I are thinking of putting her in dance class. We know she will love it so now to just get her registered.

And last but not least- Lily. She is growing and still moving around. Today in church she was kicking and pushing like crazy during the hymn. Mike and I just smiled at each other.